Saturday, January 25, 2020

Discuss The Concepts Of Health

Discuss The Concepts Of Health This assignment is a reflection of team work in the first enquiry. This assignment is going to discuss the concepts of health, my beliefs about health and illness, and how the unit may have altered my views on health. Health as a concepts means different to different people. Some believe health as a state of being free from disease but some believe that this definition is limited. It is so hard to define health. There is no any universal definition of health (Taylor, 2008- p5frog). So health is a dynamic concepts and complex whose definition varies with the context in which the term is used. There are various prospective to understand health. Health can be understood on biological approach, biomedical approach, behavioural approach, spiritual approach, health education approach, public health approach and many more. Biological approach explores the role of genes. Biomedical approach looks health and illness in terms of pathology of individual. Behavioural approach promotion of health that focus on risk factors and lifestyle behaviour. Public health approach stress on reducing disease prevalence rate and prevention of non-communicable disease (Keleher and MacDougall, 2008- p5 cactus). However, heal th can be culturally understood differently to Indigenous Australian and differently to western countries and non- western countries. For instance, Indigenous believe that notion of health and well-being related to family, community and connectedness to traditional land. They rather ignore individual as a separate entity (Taylor, 2008- p6frog). According to Keleher and MacDougall (2008), understanding health is built upon broad notions of health that recognise the range of social, economical, and environmental factors that contribute to health (p. 6-7 cactus). It seems that people are the focal point to derive the proper concepts of health. Keleher and MacDougall (2008-p6 cactus) argue that peoples prospective is the major steps to understand the health. Many studies show that health is related to state of wellbeing and illness. Western cultural countries like Australia also believe that health is the absence of diseases or pathogens in an individual (Taylor, 2008 p 10frog). Different people think health in different ways. Sandra Taylor (200 8 p6 frog) argues that meaning of health is influenced by socio-cultural factors like gender, age, ethnicity and also culture. Number of studies show that men and women have different ratio to seek health information. Sandra Taylor claims that female are proactive than man to seek health information (p.6). Beside this demography is a consistent factor influencing health of individual. Sandra Taylor argues that people living in rural area associate health and wellbeing as more productive, experienced better health care and able to get health services in time (P-7). I am from very remote and isolated town. I have experienced the important of health. I believe that health is a wealth that an individual earn in life. Without the sound health it is hard to perform life sustaining activities like job, physical activities and much more other things. Socio-Culture affects the beliefs of people. There are strong religious thoughts and practice to cure illness and analyse heath issues. I born in Hindu family and being a Hindu family, one has different ways to treat the disease or illness. People believed that illness use to be due to wrong work done upon spirit. There are number of places in Asia where still people believe on god of spirit for the family and community welfare. God or goddess was worship when a person gets sick. Only few people living in and around the town areas could get heath measures. But many people passed away without seeing a single hospital bed. Though, people used to take patients to hospital, at the last hours only after a person with supernormal skills give-up, and the patients die before reaching to the hospital. So, in this contexts, health meant different to those lived with me and to the others lived in and around the town. This was the understanding of health when I was in Bhutan and also in Refugee camp in Nepal. It has been claimed that; All of these variables have an impact on patients health care usage. General practitioners need to be aware of the individualism of their patients, and recognise that predisposing culture and beliefs may influence the management of patients in general practice (Ten Wett, 1998. p 773). I believe health is also influences by behaviour also. Cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of physical exercise and many other day to day activities could accelerate the health problems. Health studies show that lung cancer is the effect of smoking (Taylor, 2010), asthma cause by smoking and environmental pollutant (Dawbin and Roger, 2008), diabetes type-2, obesity, are cause by the lack of physical activities, food habit, and junk food consumption. All the above mentioned causes are practiced first and felt in the trouble with diseases and illness. People could change this behaviour and standardised their lifestyle if they really think about it. For instance, smoking behaviour could be reduced and physical activities could be increased to avoid asthma or lung cancer. Financial condition influences the heath. For instance, to receive appropriate health services or medications, a person had to have a good amount in hand. It still exists in many parts of the world. I have had an experience of visiting traditional herbalist when I was sick in Bhutan instead of treatment in hospital. It was free in my country because of big forest where we get herbs. It was hard to get General Practitioner (GP) and consult about the issues surgical operation and organ transplantation in those places. One had to keep whole land in mortgage to visit doctor in India or Bangladesh. Illness is the condition of health. Richard; Cumming, Robert; Woodward, Alistair and Black, Megan [2010]. Passive smoking and lung cancer: a cumulative meta-analysis. [Online]. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, v.25, no.3, June 2001: 203-211. Retrieved on 24 Apr10 from;dn=200111944;res=APAFT> ISSN: 1326-0200. Dawbin, D., Rogers, A.(2008). Age Care in Australia; Common Health Conditions, pp 147. Press: Ligare Pty., Riverwood NSW2210 Ten, V., Wett, L. (2010). Caring for the Chinese patient in general practice. Australian Family Physician. Australian Family Physician v.27 no.9 Sept 1998: 773-775. Retrieved on April 24, 2010 from;rs=4;rec=1;action=showCompleteRec MY Thoughts This is my reflective thoughts on health issues. This reflection is based on the learning outcome that I have achieved and done oral and written presentation in the first enquiry. This reflection will help me to understand the concepts of health and strategies used in treating different diseases and viewed through different perspectives by individuals and social responses. Concepts of human health have broad meanings and concepts. People have different thoughts and different connotation for health. Some believe health as a state of being free from any disease. For some health means having balance and stability in their lifestyle, for others it could be their capability in carrying out their responsibilities and also to remain fit and healthy (Taylor, 2008, p5). According to World Health Organisation (WHO, 1974) health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. However, this definition is criticised by many people due to its subjective nature and the problems in the definition of health. According to Sian Keane, health professionals must understand the concept of health from the perspective view of people with disabilities. She argues that health professionals must not focus on the narrow clinical aspects of illness and disability; rather it is best to accept these indivi duals as fully fit and capable of health within the context of their disability. She further says that health professionals often overlook the proper management and promotion of health for people with disability. They have wrong perceptions about their specific needs and their treatments. In fact, health promotion for people with disability is the same as appropriate with non-disable people (Keane, Disability; A guide for Health Professionals, (1996, p320). As such the concept of health is dynamic and complex whose definition varies with the context in which the term is used. In fact, the concept of health is rooted in the unique individual, family, social, cultural and geographical contexts in which the term is used; as such, it is said to be socially and culturally constructed (Taylor, p5). Culture and ethnic background plays an important role in influencing concepts in understanding health, health related issues, illness, their beliefs and expectations of health services from health care providers. Understanding peoples belief and their needs are very important for the care givers or health professionals. The concept of health is well understood by the main-stream Australian society on the basis of illness and disease in individuals and the belief in biomedical approach and the absence of pathology in human body (Taylor, p5). Indigenous people and people from other cultures have different approaches or typical way of understanding of health and health related issues in relation to physical, mental, emotional and their possible causes and treatments. For example in our culture, we believe in our traditional medicine (Herbal or Ayurvedic medicine) extracted from medicinal plants to prevent or cure certain diseases. We also believe in homeopathy, an alternative form of me dicine. Besides western biomedical treatments, traditional medicines are normally prescribed representing the co-existence of different cultural beliefs. Health is understood by people in different perspectives through experience and influenced by different factors such as biological, psychological and social through complex interactions between different cultures. According to Taylor men and women in Australia have different approaches to health related issues, behaviours and exposure to risk factors. Women are more vulnerable to psychological stress than men but more positive in seeking first hand information regarding their health and actively take preventive measures. There are some other factors that impact on health of people according to their family history, their disposable income and experience. It also depends on their living standards and geographical locations. As I come from different culture and place where we didnt have access to basic health facilities so I always wondered what it would be to understand the whole setting. I lived in a refugee camp where I had spent more than eighteen years and I had seen people affected with different diseases both communicable and non-communicable. Most of them could not get medical help as there were no doctors or nurses available and lack of financial support on time so they were just left with no options but to seek help from local shaman to ward off evil spirits from their bodies. As most of the people were illiterate who didnt understand and trust modern medicine and doctors, most of us did not know how it worked as there were no health promotion campaign and awareness of different diseases and their possible treatments. I have seen people afflicted with some of the worst kind of diseases and spent their whole miserable life without any help until they died. Most of the family members in the commu nity just waited helplessly to end his or her life. I have seen some of my own friends, relatives and neighbours dying of diseases which were treatable only if they had access to medical facilities and medicines in time. For example I nearly died of typhoid, jaundice and cholera when I was in the refugee camp and on top of that I was malnourished and didnt know that it is all due to unhygienic food, lack of clean drinking water and polluted environment. I relied on herbal medicines and animism form of worship, as there were no possible help to get treated with western medicines. As such the whole scenario has changed my understanding of health and treatment of different diseases through different means of settings. It is all possible to understand the concept of health by following the correct form of practising health and hygiene. Now we have been resettled here in Australia so we have access to medical facilities but still some of the elderly people in our community do not trust m edicines prescribed by the practitioners. Better health is central to human happiness and well-being. It also makes an important contribution to economic progress, as healthy populations live longer, are more productive, and save more. Many factors influence health status and a countrys ability to provide quality health services for its people. Ministries of health are important actors, but so are other government departments, donor organizations, civil society groups and communities themselves. For example: investments in roads can improve access to health services; inflation targets can constrain health spending; and civil service reform can create opportunities or limits to hiring more health workers. WHOs work on Health and development tries to make sense of these complex links. It is concerned with the impact of better health on development and poverty reduction, and conversely, with the impact of development policies on the achievement of health goals. In particular, it aims to build support across government for higher levels of investment in health, and to ensure that health is prioritized within overall economic and development plans. In this context, health and development work supports health policies that respond to the needs of the poorest groups. WHO also works with donors to ensure that aid for health is adequate, effective and targeted at priority health problems. This website provides an update on WHO activities in the area of health and development, including recent publications, reports of country work and information on training courses and capacity-building activities

Friday, January 17, 2020

An Overview Of Phytoremediation Environmental Sciences Essay

Phytoremediation is a set of inactive engineerings utilizing green workss to take pollutants from the environment largely dirt and land H2O, devouring merely solar-energy. Unique biological mechanisms in workss like their ability to uptake and hive away toxic contaminations, change overing toxic contaminations to less risky substances and the symbiotic association of workss with bugs in their rhizosphere are studied and applied harmonizing to the status of the site to be remediated. Plants are used in such a manner that environmental toxins are removed, degraded or immobilized resulting in healthy country sites for better and more good usage. Proper pick of workss is made. If all of import factors sing the remediative action of workss are kept in head so the debasement or remotion of harmful chemicals from dirt and H2O can be accelerated utilizing any suited method of Phytoremediation. Phytoremediation has ever been an underrated engineering and much attending was n't given to it unt il really late when successful efforts of taking heavy metals ; like arsenous anhydride, nickel, crude oil hydrocarbons, pesticides and other toxic chemicals from dirt and land H2O were reported with the usage of workss. Phytoremediation is the usage of workss to take pollutants from the environment or to covert them to less harmful compounds ( Gleba et al, 1999 ) . Plants are used in such a manner that environmental toxins are removed, degraded or immobilized resulting in healthy country sites for better and more good usage. Combinations of different engineerings are applied for efficiency but the focal point ever remains on speed uping debasement of organic contaminations and on remotion of risky heavy metals in dirt or H2O. The metals targeted in Phytoremediation include lead, Cd, Cr, arsenic and radionuclides ( Raskin et al, 1997 ) . In Phytoremediation the demand to dispose off the transformed stuff to some topographic point else is excavated therefore doing the procedure easier. Phytoremediation can be done at the really site of taint known as in-situ like near the surface soils or in the deep aquifer. The option is that dirt or H2O samples from the country to be treated can be separated and Ph ytoremediation can be applied on them, this is known as ex-situ. Examples of the latter one include extracted ground H2O or surface H2O ( Agarwal, 2005 ) . Now scientists are taking acute involvement in Phytoremediation and to convey in limelight more about this works genetic sciences are besides being taken into history. There is no uncertainty that in approaching old ages Phytoremediation will go one of the most of import of all green engineerings.MECHANISMS OF PHYTOREMEDIATIONPlants carry out Phytoremediation due the many interesting and utile belongingss that they have like the capableness to pull out and concentrate assorted compounds from the environment. Others use the micro-organisms nowadays in Rhizosphere ; zone around the root, to transport out phytoremediative action. Microbial Activity in the root country: Microbes which can take phytoremediative action are present in the rhizosphere. These include both bacteriums and Fungis which make a symbiotic relationship with workss. This mechanism of Phytoremediation is termed as Phytostimulation. Plants secrete particular bio-enhancing compounds into the dirt which stimulate the bioactivity of bugs. These exudations are really a beginning of C and N because they largely include Amino acids, saccharides, polyoses, phenols and flavinoids. They support the growing of bugs that degrade toxic compounds. Root systems besides provide a high O content which enables bugs to boom easy. Fungi and other groups of bugs release extracellular enzymes which besides aid the procedure as Rhizosphere microbic debasement. Pure civilizations of Pseudomonas fluorscens and Chyrsobacterium indologenes found in rhizosphere can degrade mefenoxan, a antifungal to free acid in approx. 54 hours ( Pai et al, 2001 ) . The efficiency of rhizosphere debasement by bugs depends upon the species of workss involved because every works interacts with bugs in its ain manner ( Shaan and Boyle, 1994 ) . Root exudate straight effects the action of bugs on contaminations. If contaminations are ab/adsorbed or uptaken by works roots more, their bioavailability to microbic community lessenings. Wetting agents if added ; increase bioavailability of contaminations to microbes. Alfalfa works was studied in four different control groups: Planted diesel-contaminated and uncontaminated dirt, and Un-planted Diesel contaminated and uncontaminated dirt ( Kim et al, 2006 ) . After a stabilisation clip of 7 hebdomads the remotion efficiency was seen to be 82.5 % in deep-rooted diesel-contaminated pot while in bulk dirt of remainder of the controls it was approx. 59.4 % . Microbial activity additions in contaminated dirt as many dirt bacteriums and hydrocarbon debasers are able to boom. Microbial population is greatly affected by the conta minant itself as compared to the works roots, because the contamination is a nutrient beginning for the bugs. 2. Hyperaccumulation of heavy metals: Some workss take remove toxins expecially heavy metals and metalloids etc from dirt and H2O by uptaking and hive awaying them as in Phytoextraction. This works tissue can be harvested and treated subsequently on by ashing, smelting, drying or composting ( Raskin et al, 1997 ) . Metallic elements can even be recovered from the ash which reduces risky waste and besides gives us a metal resource that can be expeditiously used. Many hyperaccumulating workss frequently do non take up every bit much of the contamination as they can because it is extremely sorbed on the dirt so is non bioavailable to the works root. For illustration Brassica juncea has the familial capableness to roll up lead but it still does non get much lead into its biomass when grown in contaminated dirt. Application of chelating agents like EDTA a few yearss before crop can cut down this job of missing bioavailability. Iron-Chelating compounds like Phytosiderophores can be applied to dirty which can mobilise Cu, Zn and Mn every bit good ( Raskin et al, 1997 ) . Phytochelatins have been observed as efficient chelators of As in Holcus lanatus ( Raab et al, 2004 ) . Biostimulants can merely be added to dirty because they perform the action of both phytosiderophores and phytochelatins. These include humic substances, lactic acid oligomers ( Kinnersley, 1992 ) , reductases released from works roots ( Welch et al, 1992 ) and dirt souring proto ns ( Crowley et al, 1991 ) . Once the metal has been solubilized it is taken up by the roots. Plants have constitutional transporter systems for the ions that it has to take up like sultr 1 ; 2 sulfate transporter for Se or selenate ion. Nonspecific metal ion bearers and channels are present ( Clarkson and Luttge, 1989 ) and the of course needed ions and contaminant metal ions in dirt compete for these channels if they resemble structurally ( Cosio et al, 2003 ) . Apoplastic ( extracellular ) or symplastic ( intracellular tract ) is adopted for the conveyance of metals through the root and into the shoot via the xylem tissue. They travel with the xylem sap towards the foliages and are loaded in the foliages and shoot. Metallic elements may be stored in different types of cells of the foliage like the mesophyll or the cuticular cells. Arabidopsis halleri shops Zn in its mesophyll cells ( Kupper et Al, 2000 ) . The signifier in which the metal is stored besides depends on the works in some instances. Pteris vitatt a conveyances arsenite ion more expeditiously to the fronds than arsenate ion ( Wang et al, 2002 ) . In some instances, while the toxic metals are being transported to the foliages they may be converted to less toxic signifiers by complex formation or transmutation. This falls in the class of phytotransformation. Endogenous works compounds go through chelation with the toxins therefore changing their toxic belongingss. Segregation or storage of metal contaminations largely occurs in the vacuole off from any cellular metabolic tract that it may upset. The metal ions frequently remain in the cell-wall when the metal-ligand complex base on ballss though to come in the works cell because of the negative charges that the cell-wall holds ( Peer et al, 2005 ) . Segregation may happen in different compartments of the cell wall and in the vacuole varying from works to works. For illustration in Pteris vittata Arsenic is sequestered in extra-cellular and sub-cellular compartments while in Hol cus lanatus segregation occurs in vacuole. 3. Absorption of contaminations by works roots: This mechanism of consumption of contaminations in roots is dependent on the high surface country biofiltration system formed by the roots and is really efficient in ab/adsorbing pollutants particularly from H2O. This is frequently termed as Rhizofiltration and is chosen to take toxic contaminations from H2O systems like watercourses or agricultural tally away set up, industrial discharges and atomic wastes etc ( Salt et al, 1998 ) . First of all the workss are given a little sum of the contaminations in order to acclimatize or accommodate them. Once the workss are adapted to that stuff and can absorb it they are transferred to the existent site where they take up every bit much of the contamination as they can. Once the roots are saturated the workss are harvested. Plants with big root country are preferred because the whole procedure is dependent on soaking up and surface assimilation on the roots. There are opportunities that alimentary consumption will be blocked by the metal consumption because both occur through the same way. To extinguish this a ‘feeder bed ‘ is introduced ( Dushenkov et al, 1995 ) . This is an unreal dirt bed a few centimetres deep on which foods and fertilisers are applied. Plants get their nutrient from this bed, while the roots move down farther and make the site of taint excessively. Here they remove the contamination from land H2O and dirt so the two procedures do non halter each other. Many different biological procedures are involved in rhizofiltration like intracellular consumption by roots, deposition of metals in vacuoules, and translocation of metal to shoot. Deposition can happen both inside and outside of cells in the signifier of a dense aggregation, as in the instance of lead which can be seen through microscope ( Malone et al, 1974 ) . Inside the cell it occurs in vacuoles while outside in cell-walls. Lead exists as lead carbon ate in cell-wall ( Kumar et al, 1995 ) and besides binds through anionic binding ( Broyer et al, 1972 ) . It was seen by Salt and his co-workers that aqua-cultured ( grown in aerated H2O ) seedlings showed much better rhizofiltration than roots themselves ( Salt et al, 1997 ) . They called it Blastofiltration. The ground is the invariably increasing surface to volume ratio of the germinating seedlings as they are in a really immature phase of growing. 4. Removal by transition of contaminations into volatile signifier: The procedure in which workss take up contaminations in dissolved signifier with the H2O through their roots from the dirt, transport them to their foliages and so let go of them into the atmosphere via transpiration through their pore is called phytovolatilization. Compounds like Se and quicksilver are volatilized as such or can besides be converted into their biomethylated signifiers to be volatilized as in the Selenium which is foremost converted to dimethylselenide by bugs and algae and so phytovolatilized by works ( Neumann et al, 2003 ) . Brassica juncea has been identified to expeditiously take Se from dirt by volatilization ( Bauelos et al, 1990 and Bauelos et Al, 1993 ) . It was proposed that Se volatilization as methyl selenate is one of the chief mechanisms of its remotion ( Zayed and Terry, 1994 and Terry et Al, 1992 ) . A outstanding research was done in this field utilizing Arabidopsis thaliana which co ntained mercurous ion as HgCl2 ( Rugh et al, 1996 ) . Elemental quicksilver is in liquid signifier and is much more easy volatilized. A cistron coding for mercurous ion reductase was introduced into the works which reduced mercurous ion to elemental quicksilver therefore increasing quicksilver vapor production as compared to normal workss. 5. Immobilization of contaminations at the site: Here contaminations are stabilized by curtailing their motion in dirt. This is done through minimising free dust, by diminishing dirt eroding and cut downing the bioavailability and solubility of contaminations. The add-on of alkalising agents, phosphates, organic affair and bio-solids lessenings the solubility of polluting compounds in the dirt and therefore prevents it from making land H2O. Plants that have high transpiration rate like grasses etc are helpful for phytostabilization because they decrease the sum of land H2O which is taking off or assisting the contaminations mobilise in the dirt ( Suresh and Ravishankar, 2004 ) . Unlike phytoextraction, or hyperaccumulation of metals into shoot or tissues, phytostabilization chiefly focuses on segregation of the metals in the root zone but non in works tissues. Consequently, metals become less bioavailable and injury to livestock, wildlife, and worlds is reduced ( Mendez and Maier, 20 08 ) . It can be applied temporarily to immobilise the contaminations at the topographic point and halt them from distributing in the country. One must at all times be careful of the fact that a reversal of metal immobilisation can happen, with associated unfavourable environmental effects ( Alkorta et al, 2010 ) . Experiments have shown that phytostabilization has been successful in take downing the degree of lead in a sand mixture. Metal leaching or flight is reduced by change overing metals from a soluble oxidization province to an indissoluble oxidization province for illustration the transition of available toxic Chromium IV to unavailable and less-toxic Chromium ( Agarwal, 2005 ) . 6. Conversion of contaminations to less toxic compounds: Contaminants present around the works are degraded into less toxic compounds by the works itself through it enzymatic metamorphosis or the bugs in the rhizosphere carry out this transmutation. The latter instance has already been discussed as rhizosphere microbic debasement. Once the works has taken up the contamination it will hive away it in the vacuole so that its metamorphosis can be done subsequently or it will be converted to Carbon dioxide and H2O and so transpired. A common job is that of pesticides that is sprayed on workss and can go toxic for human ingestion excessively. Atrazine a pesticide is transformed to anneline ( Agarwal, 2005 ) . TCE and other chlorinated dissolvers are transformed to carbon dioxide, H2O and chloride ion ( Peer et al, 2005 ) . Poplars have widely been studied for their phytotransformational belongingss. Ammunition waste like TNT, RDX and HMX are partly transformed by them ( Thompson et al, 20 09 ) . Once the toxic compounds are broken down into smaller constructions, it can be incorporated to organize new works stuff or released as organic dirt constituents. Plants produce enzymes that have active sites that can adhere and move on common organic compounds frequently taken up by workss from dirt or other beginnings. For illustration the organic compound Nitrotoluene is wholly degraded by nitro-reductase and laccase enzyme. Besides aromatic ( cyclic ) compounds even if they are non organic can be acted upon by enzymes like oxido-reductase nowadays in the foliages, roots and roots of workss.DecisionWhile the human race is confronting jobs in economic sector, its jobs are being multiplied by the depletion of natural resources. One of the major reverses being experienced now is environmental debasement which can be fought really efficaciously by the use of workss. This helps in keeping non merely our natural resources of a clean ambiance and dirt but besides lead to a healthy nutrient web. Phytoremediation has successfully given us parts of Earth with lowered degrees of toxic metal contaminations in its dirt. On the other manus the same belongings of workss to roll up metals in them has been utilized to extinguish hint metal lacks in animate beings. Unique set of biological mechanisms of workss are studied and so applied as Phytoremediation. Plants give an consequence which is non merely aesthetically pleasant but helps halt the devastation of environment excessively. Feasibility of the technique being used can be checked by first analyzing the site to be remediated and so make up one's minding what technique ought to be used. This field of biotechnology has opened new doors towards a really bright and promising future-use of workss other than in agribusiness. All of this process is really cheap and this extremely preferred but the drawback is big span of clip required for efficient consumption of heavy metal or any other toxic compound being removed fr om the dirt country or H2O being remediated. Although Phytoremediation, being a non-agricultural usage of workss, may non assist in feeding the hapless portion of the universe but still its application will give a healthy environment assuring a better quality of life.AbbreviationBTEX: Collection of compounds ( Organic pollutants ) ; Benzene, methylbenzene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene EDTA ( chelator ) Ethylene Diamina Tetra-acetic Acid CDTA ( chelator ) Trans-1,2-Cyclohexane diamine Tetra-acetic Acid EDDHA ( chelator ) Ethylene Diamine-N, N'-bis ( 2-Hydroxyphenyl Acetic acid ) Trichloroethylene: Trichloroethylene Trinitrotoluene: 2,4,6- Trinitrotoluene RDX: Research Department Explosive besides called hexogen ; hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine HMX: Nitroamine explosive called Octogen ; octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetraazocine

Thursday, January 9, 2020

A Couple Interview with Regina and Mike Smith Essay

A marriage is the creation of a new family by bringing together two distinct people from individual and very distinctly different backgrounds. The bringing together of two different people often can cause conflict. Merging families can also create a harmonious relationship of balance and teamwork if both of their differences and similarities compliment each other. After conducting an interview with Darlene and Mike Smith it became very evident that theirs was a seemingly balanced and harmonious relationship. The interview asked questions about how things like their backgrounds, challenges together, boundaries, family interactions, and spirituality have developed into a family and marriage relationship that successfully navigates through†¦show more content†¦He has one younger brother and both parents are alive. His father is a pastor, which Mike shared, â€Å"my father has been a huge influence throughout marriage, family and in the way I live.† Mike described the maj ority of his family upbringing as stable, supportive and privileged. However, he wanted to highlight a particularly challenging time during college when he lost his best friend to suicide. He explained, â€Å"my faith got deeper through this experience because of all of the support of others.† The importance of faith is also reflective in his answers to questions about spending his free time with church and family. Regina’s Background Influences Regina Smith is a 43-year-old college graduate, housewife who has eight siblings. She started by highlighting the distinct differences between her and Mike’s family and upbringing. Her father was divorced five times and was undiagnosed but had a history of Manic Depression. This obviously affected her saying: â€Å"That is the reason I got married at thirty-one.† Additionally she shared, â€Å"Girls like to marry some one like their father and I definitely did not.† She explained that all of her brothers had also been diagnosed or un-diagnosed with Manic Depression and or substance abuse issues. She expressed that although she is very close to her family that it is fractured. At twenty she lost herShow MoreRelatedAction Research in Supply Chain Management--a Framework for Relevant and Rigorous Research15465 Words   |  62 Pageswherein the researchers describe how the data were collected. Using interviews as an example the description should explain how the interviews were conducted—sampling, number of interviews and interviewees, profile of interviewees, use of interview guides, tape recording, video recording, transcription, etc. Description of data collection in a thorough protocol increases the reliability of the research project (Ellram 1996). Interviews and observations are often the predominant data collection methodsRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesgoods and services than older, crafts-style production operations. Nearly 200 years before, Adam Smith had been one of the ï ¬ rst writers to investigate the advantages associated with producing goods and services in factories. A famous economist, Smith journeyed around England in the 1700s studying the effects of the industrial revolution.3 In a study of factories that produced various pins or nails, Smith identiï ¬ ed two different manufacturing methods. The ï ¬ rst was similar to crafts-style productionRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 Pages . . . . 244 Problems in Rating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Methods of Performance Appraisal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 The Performance Appraisal Review Process . . . . . . . . 251 The Performance Appraisal Interview . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Discipline and Grievances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Firing or Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 Grievance Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 PagesMichael Pearson, Loyola University, New Orleans; Beverlee Anderson, University of Cincinnati; Y.H. Furuhashi, Notre Dame; W. Jack Duncan, University of AlabamaBirmingham; Mike Farley, Del Mar College; Joseph W. Leonard, Miami University (OH); Abbas Nadim, University of New Haven; William O’Donnell, University of Phoenix; Howard Smith, University of New Mexico; James Wolter, University of Michigan, Flint; Vernon R. Stauble, California State Polytechnic University; Donna Giertz, Parkland College; Don

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

How The Patient With Schizophrenia Essay - 946 Words

How to Treat the Patient with Schizophrenia The National Institute of Mental Health finds that approximately 1.2% of the United States population suffer from schizophrenia. What exactly is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is defined as a complex disorder with an extremely varied presentation of symptoms that affects cognitive, emotional, and behavioral areas of functioning (Kneisl, 2013). It is considered a psychotic disorder and often includes psychotic experiences, such as hearing voices or delusions. Those who are affected by the disease are said to have lost touch with reality. The onset of schizophrenia usually arises between the late teens and the mid-thirties and is more often seen in women. Evidence suggests that both the environment and genetics play a role in the development of schizophrenia. It is imperative to treat the manifestations of schizophrenia as soon as you suspect them. If left untreated, clients may gradually start to cut off communication with the outside world, and lose the ability to meet and take care of their basic life needs. This paper will outline the causes, manifestations, and treatments of schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia are 2-2.5 times more likely to die earlier than the general population (WHO, 2015). Psychiatrists suggests that the cause of schizophrenia is unknown. Research has not identified a single factor. However, many speculate that it is a cross between biological predisposition (for example, genetics) and the kind ofShow MoreRelatedSchizophrenia: Factors and Treatment Essay1433 Words   |  6 PagesSchizophrenia is a psychological disorder that affects about 2.2 million people (Lumpur, 2005). As a child, this author did not understand the term â€Å"schizophrenic†. All that was known was that a person with the disease did not appear to be sick but on the inside they are mentally disturbed. 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